What is The Cynical View?

Welcome to my Blog. You may see things you don't like, don't agree with or you may even be offended. I have 3 words for you... "Freedom Of Speech". So get over it. The Cynical View is an outlook on life by a 30 something Scotsman. More often than not (as the title suggests) it will be a cynical look at what is going on in my life & around the world. I have an opinion on everything... from entertainment to news, music to politics and of course my day to day personal life. To see my past blog posts, use the drop down menu on the right hand column.

Thursday 10 May 2007

I'm back... it's been a while

Well... it's been a while hasn't it?
Sorry that I haven't updated this in many months, it just fell by the way side after barely starting for some reason. I'll try my best to keep on top of my rants from now on... I've had alot of pent up anger and frustration these last few months and this is as good a way as any to let them out.

So lets see what's in the news today that will piss me off...

Of course just annouced today was the resignation of Tony "Give me you country to run and I will make it F.U.B.A.R." Blair. There was much slapping of backs in the house of commons and much fawning by the media of "oh he's had a good run" and "oh like him or loath him, he will be missed".
No, he wont.
He made a complete pigs ear of this country and couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.
But still for all you Blairites and Labour fans out there (all 3 of you), don't worry as the Labour torch will be continue to be carried into the next general election by a man who looks like Satan's over-fed pet pig... yes it's hellfire and brimstone Gordon "Truffle Muncher" Brown!

Lets just look at a few facts of this change in leadership to illustrate exactly what Labour are thinking and hoping that the "little people" (ie us) don't notice....
  1. In the recent Scottish Parliment and local council elections Labour got humped in Scotland. The Scottish people are sick of their crap, their false promises, Scotland being the testing ground for all new policys before the rest of the UK (no smoking ban, pub licence hour changes, poll/council tax, NHS cuts etc etc etc) and most of all sick of that stupid pixie eared grin that Tony Blair forces on his face.
  2. Labour KNEW they where going to be humped in Scotland this time, as they had done so much damage that even the hardend Labour voting idiots (and there are alot in Scotland) where starting to turn against them.
  3. Because they knew they would lose votes they where shitting themselves that the SNP would get more votes and the stage would be set for a possible uprising of Scots no longer willing to take crap and more likely to start shouting "FREEEEEDDOOOOMMM!" a la William Wallace and want an independant Scotland.
  4. As a result of knowing all this months in advance, they then try and knoble the voting system by changing how it all works and running the Scottish Parliment elections and the local elections on the same day to confuse people. It worked and it was a complete farce with over 100,000 votes spoiled, unfortunatly for Labour SNP still took the majority vote.
  5. Labour thinks it still has the Scottish voters in the bag in the next general election by putting a Scotsman (and I use that term in the loosest possible sense of the word) in charge, ie Gordon Brown. How wrong they are.
This is another example of how much contempt the Labour (and indeed the Conservatives when they where in power) goverment has for Scotland by thinking the voting public in Scotland is stupid enough to give them a big hug and say "all is forgiven" when they put Fat Lad in charge.
I for one am not mentally retarded and will not forget how Gordy Poos screwed this country in every budget and has made health, education and social fund cuts across the board to save up pennys to send our troops to the middle east.

The time for Labour is over... infact the time for a "United" Kingdom is over... bring on an independant Scotland.

Monday 18 December 2006

Jobless Face Benefit Cuts

What the hell is Labour playing at?
Benefit Cuts

"Can work but wont work"... 1 in 10 people fall into that catagory apparently. Hmmm... yes because 1 in 10 people on benefit can't be arsed to work lets take everyone's money away from them. What a bunch of arseholes.

They claim that natives to this country need to compete with eastern european imigrants for jobs and need to do more to return the "favour" of benefit.
Lets get a few things straight first...
  1. Out of that 10 only 1 is sponging off the dole.
  2. From the other 9 how many have been working and paying taxes to the goverment in the last few years? More than 1 I would wager. So I fail to see how benefit is a "favour" to those unemployed when they have been paying taxes more or less for insurance against losing their job and keeping those fat lazy goverment bastards and the Royals IN a job.
  3. Of those said other 9, many of them will have lost their job due to cut backs because the goverment has ran this bloody country into the ground so it is the goverments fault.
  4. The goverment has flooded this country with "Eastern European" and "Middle East" imigrants, so in my opinion these 600,000 jobs when you consider the size of this country and the people in it is a drop in the ocean. They also say that nearly 1 million unemployed claimed benefit last month... now I'm no maths genius, but if there are 600,000 jobs going and 1 million unemployed... how the fuck does that work?? This country is being run by people that can't even do simple maths!
  5. Eastern Euro workers get paid in potatoes and lumps of mud, so of course they are willing to work here. £3 an hour on a part time job, cleaning out mucky public toilets and changing your name to "Wee Jock 'Poo Pong' Mc Plop" is heaven for them.
  6. How many of the remaining 9 actually ARE imigrants getting handed cash for nothing as they have never paid a penny of tax into this country?
  7. How many of the 9 are mothers/fathers who cannot afford the childcare to go back to work as the goverment has shafted them on that as well?
  8. How many of the 9 are the sick or infirm who, for whatever reason, only qualify for job seekers allowance? I personally fall into this catagory (sick/infirm) but in the goverment's wisdom they pay me no money at all despite being a native of this country and all the years I have worked and paid taxes.
  9. How about, if money is tight for the goverment, they stop giving themselves fucking huge pay rises and private yachts, throwing money at other countries, sending troops into the middle east so they can occupy territory and steal the oil & spending money on stupid fucking surveys to see how poor people are, along with the tons of other things they do to waste millions of pounds every day.
  10. And finally, how many of the remaining 9 will be an ex-Labour MP after the next election? None, thats how many. It would never happen as they are making enough money to never have to work again or they can write a book/sell their story to the newspapers and get paid a shed load of cash for it.
Grrrrrrrr this country and it's goverment just piss me off!!!

Sunday 17 December 2006

"Fun" With Food

Two subjects again today, basically because I missed a post yesterday.

Bodily Fluids In Food
Click the above link to read the article.
I dont understand this. Why the hell would someone do this?!? What goes through the mind of a deviant like this?!? Perhaps he was picked on at school? Perhaps he wants to become a chef and give food his "personal" touch? Who knows... and frankly who cares... well apart from the people that ate his cum that is.
Although it brings a whole new meaning to "tossing the salad".

I'm pleased to see that he is to be charged for it with aggravated battery. What if he had A.I.D.S or H.I.V.? It is quite frankly the most stupid, irresponsible and disgusting thing I have seen since The Blairs had a bouncing baby Tony.

Having said that there are enough sick assholes in the world that would actually like to eat the above food that the slogan potential is huge... "Cum Eat With Us", "Jerky's... The Resteraunt With Spunk!", "Our Food Will Be The Climax Of Your Day", "Shoot On Over To Our Place", "Treat Yourself & Splurge At Joe's"... OK I'll stop now.

Cannabis Chocolate
Click the link above to read the article.
OK... now... first let me start by saying that I do not take drugs (I do smoke and drink alot of coffee, but apart from being a sour faced, sarcastic bastard those are the only vices I have).

Having said that I don't see the problem here. IF what the accused say is true about only providing them to people with MS who provided a medical note. Yes cannabis is illegal, but so are alot of drugs and if you are a celebrity you get let off scot free with taking them.
And one of the accused gave a very valid point in saying if you are a pedophile you get 12 years and they are facing 14 years. What kind of fucked up world do we live in when people providing "medicinal" choclate bars to people suffering from MS face a stiffer sentance than a sick kiddy fiddler!?

This inspired me to do a bit of checking.... did you know that copyright infringement (ie downloading music/games/films from file sharing clients) can get you a possible 10 year sentance, while killing someone while drink driving also offers a 10 year sentance?! Get some frikkin perspective people!!!

Friday 15 December 2006

Car Signs & Sex Offenders

I'm going to cover two topics in today's post but for different reasons... the first one got me angry because it's the height of stupidity and the second is a long standing issue of mine.

Car Signs
I couldn't beleive this when I read it...
Crash here often?

What the hell is the world coming to when perfectly good money is thrown away conducting polls and researching this crap?!!? There are children all around the world staving and money that could be used to help them is being wasted on this shit!!
Who was the bright spark that thought "Hmmm.. I wonder if star signs have an effect on poor driving? I know! Lets throw buckets of cash down the crapper to find out!" Frankly they should be shot.
I can see it now...
  • Briiiing Brinnng... Hello yes I'd like to renew my car insurance... my date of birth? Yes it's October 12th 1975...
  • Oh I'm sorry sir that makes you a Libra and means you are more likey to crash your car. Your premium has been raised by £300.
What a crock of shit. Whats next? A survey into how often you have sex and if it affects your driving? How about one on if you watch Eastenders... "Sorry madame, you are an Albert Square accident waiting to happen... time to break the bank".
And you know what annoys me more than the tossers conducting the survey and wasting money? Some people will actually beleive this crap! Mind you these are are the sort of people that read "you will have a bad day" in their horoscope and hide under the duvet for rest of the day. So really they deserve what they get.

Sex Offenders
Frankly I am offended at the way sex offenders are treated. I think it is disgusting that they are given new identities and hidden in the community among decent folks. The follow article shows we are stepping somewhat in the right direction...
Home Serch Call

I mean yes there are some good points in there like search of the home without warrents, failing to co-operate means immediate arrest etc, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. MSP's/MP's are alling for tougher laws concerning the arrest and conviction of said sickos, but at the end of the day what happens to them?
They are given a slap on the wrist and a second chance by being hidden in the community!!!

The authorities really should get a clue... these twisted bastards will not change. There should be no second chances. There are many, many cases of repeat offenders in sexual assult/pedophile cases. Why are we giving this scum a second chance to destroy more lives?!?

And as for not realeasing the names as public knowledge I have never understood that. Is it to protect them? Well who protects us from them? Who protected their victims from their sick and twisted minds? Of course the authorities use the excuse it is to stop vigilante justice... well what about muderers? Burglars? Hit and run drivers? Arsonists? Terrorists? All these people destroy lives and are named in the news... the families of or the victims themselves wouldnt pass on the thought of "vigilante justice". It doesnt wash with me frankly. Lame excuse.

I'm sorry but when you break the law you break the law... no matter your crime. Other criminals get named and shamed so sex offenders should as well. It's a well known fact that when these deviants go to prison other prisoners beat the shit out of them. What does that tell you? Even the other scum think that they are below even their morales and thatis saying something.

Capital punishment being brought back in would be one answer, but frankly killing is too good for them. They should be made to live with what they have done and have ten times the suffering they have caused the victims and their families. Name them and shame them I say.... then hound the bastards to the ends of the earth.

Thursday 14 December 2006

"Evil" Knievel lives up to his name

I couldnt beleive it when I saw this article on BBC News website:
Evel Knievel sues over video

I mean... c'mon!! Here is the worst case of sour grapes I have ever seen. Rap "star" Kanye West makes a video and in it pretends to be Evel Knievel. The video causes much controversy, has a huge budget and gives West some notoriety. Evel thinks "oh shit.. here is someone pretending to be me and getting a better response at it than I did". He immediatley cries about it, claims the video infringes copyright and tarnishes his image by its "vulgar, sexual" nature then files a lawsuit.

Hmmm... tarnishes his image... a little hint here Evel... unless you are my age group or older no one has a fucking clue who you are, and even people my age and older only remember you vaugely as the idiot that wore stupid jumpsuits and arsed about on motorbikes!

Frankly I am a little bit suspicious of his motives and think it has less to do with copyright and more to do with the fact that he is a burnt out old has-been who is bitter as hell and looking for some quick cash. He has been given two years to live as he has pulmonary fibrosis and says he hopes that they will find a medication to help him "but who knows". I'll tell you who knows... your lawyer. Sinking a big fat lawsuit cheque into medical research wouldnt help you at all would it Evel?

Oh and he is also probably pissed off that West got to cavort with Pammy while "Little Evel" can't even rise to the occasion anymore.