What is The Cynical View?

Welcome to my Blog. You may see things you don't like, don't agree with or you may even be offended. I have 3 words for you... "Freedom Of Speech". So get over it. The Cynical View is an outlook on life by a 30 something Scotsman. More often than not (as the title suggests) it will be a cynical look at what is going on in my life & around the world. I have an opinion on everything... from entertainment to news, music to politics and of course my day to day personal life. To see my past blog posts, use the drop down menu on the right hand column.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

I'm back... it's been a while

Well... it's been a while hasn't it?
Sorry that I haven't updated this in many months, it just fell by the way side after barely starting for some reason. I'll try my best to keep on top of my rants from now on... I've had alot of pent up anger and frustration these last few months and this is as good a way as any to let them out.

So lets see what's in the news today that will piss me off...

Of course just annouced today was the resignation of Tony "Give me you country to run and I will make it F.U.B.A.R." Blair. There was much slapping of backs in the house of commons and much fawning by the media of "oh he's had a good run" and "oh like him or loath him, he will be missed".
No, he wont.
He made a complete pigs ear of this country and couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.
But still for all you Blairites and Labour fans out there (all 3 of you), don't worry as the Labour torch will be continue to be carried into the next general election by a man who looks like Satan's over-fed pet pig... yes it's hellfire and brimstone Gordon "Truffle Muncher" Brown!

Lets just look at a few facts of this change in leadership to illustrate exactly what Labour are thinking and hoping that the "little people" (ie us) don't notice....
  1. In the recent Scottish Parliment and local council elections Labour got humped in Scotland. The Scottish people are sick of their crap, their false promises, Scotland being the testing ground for all new policys before the rest of the UK (no smoking ban, pub licence hour changes, poll/council tax, NHS cuts etc etc etc) and most of all sick of that stupid pixie eared grin that Tony Blair forces on his face.
  2. Labour KNEW they where going to be humped in Scotland this time, as they had done so much damage that even the hardend Labour voting idiots (and there are alot in Scotland) where starting to turn against them.
  3. Because they knew they would lose votes they where shitting themselves that the SNP would get more votes and the stage would be set for a possible uprising of Scots no longer willing to take crap and more likely to start shouting "FREEEEEDDOOOOMMM!" a la William Wallace and want an independant Scotland.
  4. As a result of knowing all this months in advance, they then try and knoble the voting system by changing how it all works and running the Scottish Parliment elections and the local elections on the same day to confuse people. It worked and it was a complete farce with over 100,000 votes spoiled, unfortunatly for Labour SNP still took the majority vote.
  5. Labour thinks it still has the Scottish voters in the bag in the next general election by putting a Scotsman (and I use that term in the loosest possible sense of the word) in charge, ie Gordon Brown. How wrong they are.
This is another example of how much contempt the Labour (and indeed the Conservatives when they where in power) goverment has for Scotland by thinking the voting public in Scotland is stupid enough to give them a big hug and say "all is forgiven" when they put Fat Lad in charge.
I for one am not mentally retarded and will not forget how Gordy Poos screwed this country in every budget and has made health, education and social fund cuts across the board to save up pennys to send our troops to the middle east.

The time for Labour is over... infact the time for a "United" Kingdom is over... bring on an independant Scotland.

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