What is The Cynical View?

Welcome to my Blog. You may see things you don't like, don't agree with or you may even be offended. I have 3 words for you... "Freedom Of Speech". So get over it. The Cynical View is an outlook on life by a 30 something Scotsman. More often than not (as the title suggests) it will be a cynical look at what is going on in my life & around the world. I have an opinion on everything... from entertainment to news, music to politics and of course my day to day personal life. To see my past blog posts, use the drop down menu on the right hand column.

Friday 15 December 2006

Car Signs & Sex Offenders

I'm going to cover two topics in today's post but for different reasons... the first one got me angry because it's the height of stupidity and the second is a long standing issue of mine.

Car Signs
I couldn't beleive this when I read it...
Crash here often?

What the hell is the world coming to when perfectly good money is thrown away conducting polls and researching this crap?!!? There are children all around the world staving and money that could be used to help them is being wasted on this shit!!
Who was the bright spark that thought "Hmmm.. I wonder if star signs have an effect on poor driving? I know! Lets throw buckets of cash down the crapper to find out!" Frankly they should be shot.
I can see it now...
  • Briiiing Brinnng... Hello yes I'd like to renew my car insurance... my date of birth? Yes it's October 12th 1975...
  • Oh I'm sorry sir that makes you a Libra and means you are more likey to crash your car. Your premium has been raised by £300.
What a crock of shit. Whats next? A survey into how often you have sex and if it affects your driving? How about one on if you watch Eastenders... "Sorry madame, you are an Albert Square accident waiting to happen... time to break the bank".
And you know what annoys me more than the tossers conducting the survey and wasting money? Some people will actually beleive this crap! Mind you these are are the sort of people that read "you will have a bad day" in their horoscope and hide under the duvet for rest of the day. So really they deserve what they get.

Sex Offenders
Frankly I am offended at the way sex offenders are treated. I think it is disgusting that they are given new identities and hidden in the community among decent folks. The follow article shows we are stepping somewhat in the right direction...
Home Serch Call

I mean yes there are some good points in there like search of the home without warrents, failing to co-operate means immediate arrest etc, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. MSP's/MP's are alling for tougher laws concerning the arrest and conviction of said sickos, but at the end of the day what happens to them?
They are given a slap on the wrist and a second chance by being hidden in the community!!!

The authorities really should get a clue... these twisted bastards will not change. There should be no second chances. There are many, many cases of repeat offenders in sexual assult/pedophile cases. Why are we giving this scum a second chance to destroy more lives?!?

And as for not realeasing the names as public knowledge I have never understood that. Is it to protect them? Well who protects us from them? Who protected their victims from their sick and twisted minds? Of course the authorities use the excuse it is to stop vigilante justice... well what about muderers? Burglars? Hit and run drivers? Arsonists? Terrorists? All these people destroy lives and are named in the news... the families of or the victims themselves wouldnt pass on the thought of "vigilante justice". It doesnt wash with me frankly. Lame excuse.

I'm sorry but when you break the law you break the law... no matter your crime. Other criminals get named and shamed so sex offenders should as well. It's a well known fact that when these deviants go to prison other prisoners beat the shit out of them. What does that tell you? Even the other scum think that they are below even their morales and thatis saying something.

Capital punishment being brought back in would be one answer, but frankly killing is too good for them. They should be made to live with what they have done and have ten times the suffering they have caused the victims and their families. Name them and shame them I say.... then hound the bastards to the ends of the earth.

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